6. Today's Fruits Are Too Hybridized And Contain Too Much Sugar We often hear the claim that "modern" fruit contains too much sugar, as opposed to the low-sugar wild fruits, which are generally not available for sale in most grocery store. The critics of fruit tend to view the cultivars and varieties that are available today as "unnatural". Their claim is that the artificial hybridization of fruit creates an inferior product that is too high in sugar and too low in minerals. Let's take a look at these claims one by one. First, the whole idea that cultivated fruit contains "too much" su...
When you got out of bed this morning, were you pain-free? Or did your hips and knees ache? Did your hands feel stiff when you poured your tea? Many of my patients brush off these kinds of aches and pains, thinking they’re just normal signs of aging. As the years pass, many women find the pain intensifies, and begin to rely on regular doses of Motrin or Tylenol to feel well. Eventually, they may even stop doing the things that give them pain — even their most meaningful and cherished activities, like picking up a grandchild, playing an instrument, or gardening. As we experience pai...
1. Eating Too Much Fruit Will Cause Symptoms Of Blood Sugar Problems It's no secret that a proper, healthy raw food diet contains a lot of fruit. In fact, the quantity of fruit that I consume in one single day probably exceeds the quantity consumed by an average family on a weekly, if not monthly basis. When people look at all that fruit, they're suddenly afraid that eating so much of it will cause them health problems, the most common being cited is blood sugar issues. I've known many people who are absolutely convinced that whenever they eat a lot of sweet fruit, their blood sugar "goes o...
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