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  • URAH Singapore

6 Myth about your arthritis

Myth 1 – All joint pain is arthritis. Fact: Other conditions, such as tendonitis, bursitis or other soft-tissue injuries also cause joint pain. Evaluation by a rheumatologist will lead to the right diagnosis and treatment. Myth 2 – Rain and damp weather worsen arthritis....read more

  • URAH Singapore

Safeguard Your Joints

Even though moderate exercise is good for your body, it can cause stress on your joints if not executed correctly. However, there are many ways in which you can avoid injuring your joints. If you are interested in ways to protect joints during exercise, consider the following list of suggestions. ...read more

  • URAH Singapore

9 jobs bad for your joints

Construction Workers Working in the construction industry poses many arthritis risks. Lifting heavy weights incorrectly and without the right assistance is a significant arthritis risk factor. Another cause of arthritis is using tools that vibrate. “People who use air hammers cons...read more

  • URAH Singapore

5 Tips From Physical Therapist

Nearly everyone has experienced knee pain. Whether it’s caused by arthritis, excessive foot pronation or overuse of the muscles that protect this vulnerable joint, our knees take a knocking. In fact, knee arthritis is the single greatest cause of chronic disability among U.S. adults age 65 and...read more

  • URAH Singapore

10 things you didn't know about arthritis

1: Young people do get arthritis When you think of arthritis, you might picture stiff, sore seniors, but the truth is, arthritis can affect women at any age, including during childhood. In fact, nearly 60% of people diagnosed are under age 65. Osteoarthritis, one of the most common types, typical...read more

  • URAH Singapore

How to prevent Joint Replacement

What Is Joint Replacement? Joint replacement surgery is removing a damaged joint and putting in a new one. A joint is where two or more bones come together, like the knee, hip, and shoulder. Sometimes, the surgeon will not remove the whole joint, but will only replace or fix the d...read more

  • URAH Singapore

Simple Exercise to Do at Home

 Covid-19 has made it more challenging to continue daily routines outside our homes. In the midst of this pandemic, it is important to keep healthy and safe in whichever way possible. URAH is suggesting a list of exercises you can do at home to improve or maintain your health: Please note: G...read more