Micellar Glucosamine is currently the most potent form of Glucosamine in the market, which uses the proprietary OBALIN Delivery Technology to deliver sufficient quantity of glucosamine through the skin layers seamlessly to the target in few minutes.
Obalin Delivery Technology is based on Urah Biosurfactant technology patented in the US, Japan and Singapore.
Urah Micellar GlucosamineCream (MGC) promotes healthy joints and healthy bones in 3 ways:
Developed in Singapore by a group of scientists led by Dr Jonathan Obaje, Micellar Glucosamine is a product of many years of research that focused on finding the solution to the problem of low absorption (bioavailability)of glucosamine.
The efficacy of Glucosamine products has been hindered for years due to low bioavailability.
Urah Micellar Delivery Technology enables high concentration of glucosamine to be delivered to the body directly through the skin with no side effect.
By bypassing the oral route, it avoids both the gastric side-effects and the first-pass losses usually associated with swallowing acidic glucosamine compounds.
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